Friday, February 17, 2012

The Miami News, October 11, 1968, "8 Exile Suspects Fast in Jail" by Louise Blanchard

A spokesman for eight Cuban exiles, jailed yesterday in connection with the terrorist damage to foreign ships, said today they have begun a limited hunger strike.

A ninth exile, [Aimee Miranda Cruz], also arrested and charged with conspiring to damage ships doing business with Fidel Castro's Cuba, was released.

Marcelino Garcia, speaking for the "Alianza Movimiento Insurreccional de Recuperacion Revolucionaria Comandos L," said Dr. Orlando Bosch had smuggled a letter out of the Dade County Jail.

The letter Garcia produced said all had been arrested on false charges. It accused the CIA and the FBI of "tenacious persecution" of members of the organization.


Garcia, secretary general of the "Alianza M.I.R.R., Comandos L.," issued a press release at a meeting last night denouncing "all the governments of the free world."

The statement declared hat the arrest of Dr. Bosch and the others "confirms the conjecture" that the government of the United States is interested in "sustaining Fidel Castro."

The press release said, as did the Bosch letter, that members of the organization had been "persecuted and watched" by federal authorities, that the accusations were "political in nature" and that the arrests were intended to "paralyze all our forces for the liberation of our nation."


Copyright (c) 1968 The Miami News

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